We believe in sharing our expertise with others. This collection of white papers cover many aspects of marketing strategy and executive thought leadership.

Executive Management

Plateau Prevention Many companies grow to multi-million dollar ventures, then grow no more.  Oddly, the founders are often the problem with their plateauing.

Marketing Strategy

Visualizing Innovation, Value and Brand Intersections define innovation, value propositions and brand. Intersections of all these elements define your go-to-market messaging. Visualizing these elements helps your team deliver customers.
Manhandling Markets How to change company and product positioning by changing the minds of the market.  This white paper is based on a case study of SUSE Linux and how a new strategy increased their sales by over 5,000%.
Technology Marketing in Troubled Times When customers face tough economic times, you face tough economic times.  This white paper examines one key aspect of customer psychology and how to use it to your advantage.
Marketing in Troubled Times This set of slides is from Silicon Strategies Marketing's webinar Marketing in Troubled Times.  If you missed these webinars, make sure that you subscribe to our Marketing Memos blog where announcements for future webinars will appear.
B2B-ing Maslow Organizations and executives have higher-order needs - the ones at the top of Maslow's pyramid.  Do you know why and how to tap into those needs?
Maslow’s Malady Maslow's hierarchy of needs is very relevant to technology marketing, though it is anything but transparent.
Commodity Strategies You can win, you can break even, and you can quit the game.  What is the right strategy in a commodity technology market, and how do you make it happen?
Defeating Commoditization All products become commodities over time, even in high technology.  This white paper reviews some strategies you can take to fight the effects of commoditization.

Buyer Genotypes

B2B Executive Loyalty Executives do demonstrate loyalty behaviors.  Learn how to tap into those who own the budgets for B2B relationships.
Buyer Genotypes - Gene Splicing for Fun and Profit If you sell technology in a B2B environment, you have more than one buyer to sell to.  This white paper will help you to know your buyer "genotypes" and shorten your sales cycle.


Touching Brands Creating a brand requires driving your brand essence through every part of your company through which your customers interact. These "touch points" must carry your brand correctly and consistently.
Selling Empathy – The Power of Positioning and Branding This white paper is a case study examining the impact that branding and product positioning plays in driving leads, sales and market dominance for technology products.  

Market Messaging

Got Message? The Importance of Core Market Message Development Messaging to all of your buyers is important.  Lighting up both halves of their brains drives qualified leads and shortens sales cycles.  Learn the mysteries of appealing to both their logic and their emotions in the white paper.
True Value Communicating value to your customers is your primary mission, and the one you are likely not doing well.  This white paper explains what value is from the technology customer's perspective.

Market Segmentation

Zen Segmenting - Accelerating Market Dominance Segmenting cannot be taken lightly.  A good market segmentation model brings many strategic advantages.  Download this white paper, be creative in your segmentation and dominate your markets faster.

Market Definition

Defining Markets Are you defining your total, addressable, realistic, segment or life-cycle market? If you do not understand the difference, then you cannot hope to make rational business plans of investor pitches.

Technology and Assorted Papers

Sales as Dating - It's All About Commitment High-end, high-tech sales are a lot like dating and marriage.  Knowing the similarities shows you how to speed your customer to the altar.
What CxOs Think About Linux Revelations about what CIOs and CTOs think about Open Source and Linux, based on CxO interviews conducted for SUSE Linux.
Accelerating Software Development Through Collaboration This paper was submitted to the 2002 ICSE conference and discusses how to accelerate software development through collaboration and knowledge capture.
Globalization by Design In conjunction with the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA), Silicon Strategies Market helps to explain the best practices in reaching international software buyers by designing globalization into products.