Collaboration Opportunity
For varied and unrelated reasons, I have been involved with many firms either in the collaboration field (VA Software cum CollabNet, Open-Xchange, Novell and their GroupWise offering) or for whom collaboration is an essential part of the product (Mobile Compete). This accumulated history led to me being the Collaboration Solutions judge for this year’s CODiE award. When it comes to collaboration most vendors don’t get it. Collaboration is not about technology, it is about people. Specifically it is about people sharing information in a manner that achieves one of several possible goals: Reduce miscommunication Ensure the appropriate information is available for making good decisions Reduce the time to acquire that important information So, the “it” that vendors don’t “get” is the multipart question of collaboration, those parts being: Who needs to collaborate What kind of information do they need to share How do they prefer to share it Let’s take … Continue reading →